Tuesday, July 20, 2010

True talent

    If you have not been introduced to the Talking Heads, just know your life before this moment has been dull and unsatisfying. (okay if you are a true music lover then your extremely missing out!) I was introduced to "the heads" my freshmen year of college at Ole Miss. I can remember exactly what I was doing, what I was wearing and who I was with when we watched "Stop making Sense."

I was taking Summer classes in Oxford, after finishing up my first year of college. A pledge sister of mine had invited us to her boyfriend's house for a cookout before going to the bars. I arrived to a boy's house full of SAE's that were cooking out, playing with their lab's and watching what seemed to be a live concert on t.v. I remember I wore a pink tube top with a breezy brown cotton/linen skirt  that evening. I recall standing behind a couch and a boy that I had run into from time to time asked if I had ever seen 'a head's show,' I answered with something along the lines of never hearing of them. The boy then passed me a drink and told me to sit by him because my world was about to change and he wanted to be the person to educate me. Educate me, he did! After hearing "Once in a Lifetime" I knew I was going to be a life long fan. 

We actually never made it out with the others. The two of us sat side by side on a couch while 2 or 3 of his fraternity brother's also stayed at the house with us instead of going out. We watched the whole d.v.d. from start to finish. To this day, I am so happy I stayed and let some guys educate me on what is now one of my favorite bands.  David Byrne is a total genius and such a misfit, what a unique individual with a wicked brain!

Do you ever hear a song and immediately recall a memory? My whole summer between my freshmen and sophomore year was nothing but Talking Heads, O.A.R., Creedence Clearwater Revival, and The Grateful Dead playing in the background.
    I can hear 'Home' by O.A.R and think back to a car ride with a boy named Bryant. I was riding with him to his hometown to meet his family and enjoy a weekend on his farm. The two of us had the best time, during our car ride to and from his hometown, we sang along and laughed the entire time!
    Every time I hear 'Sugar Magnolia' by The Grateful Dead, memories flash in my head to sitting on the back deck of the Pike House. I knew a few of the Pikes and they would invite me over for "Late Nights (after the bars would close, this is what all Ole Miss students called the after party.)" There were a few boys that would get their guitars out and start jamming. Yes, I am not ashamed I had a crush on a particular boy and one night we danced barefoot on a beaten up deck under the stars and moon and even kissed a few times.
    There are many, many other memories I have like this. It's strange but wherever I am at or what I am doing, my mind flashes back to these certain memories and for the most part I can't help but smile!

After some years I do have a favorite song by the heads, It's actually one of my top 5 favorite songs ever! (and yes sometimes my top 5 differs) The song is "This must be the place (naive melody)" is actually the only love song ever written or performed by the heads. It has some wonderful lyrics as well. This is my favorite:

Out of all those kinds of people
You got a face with a view

 And you love me till my heart stops
Love me till I'm dead
Eyes that light up, eyes look through you

I just really love "You got a face with a view" oh how the creativity just pours out of him and onto paper. Are you starting to understand why I love musicians! the talent and passion is just intoxicating and so attractive. I love guys who have passions, especially one's that create something. Anyway, I won't bore you with what I find appealing in the opposite sex! here is the video!!

I will also mention that my Phillies have been doing pretty bad this season, they just played the cardinals and lost!!! it makes me angry......I bet Ken is so disappointed too!

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