Friday, August 27, 2010

Give me 5, Friday!

That is Right, give me a high five for making it to Friday! I'm going home for the weekend to see my parents before the Fall Semester officially kicks off next weekend with the first home game.  Oh how I love fall is just around the corner,  football games, visiting friends at other colleges, and the ever so pretty trees. So here are some random 5's from me.

1. Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road- Elton John
2. Hot Rocks- The Rolling Stones
3. Stop Making Sense/Speaking in tongues- Talking Heads
4. Are you Experienced- The Jimmy Hendrix Experience
5. The White Album- The Beatles

 first off, my favorite 5 songs always vary.If you asked me 5 years ago, even 5 months ago it would not be the same as it is at this exact moment. I do however always say the same 2 or three.
The consistent ones are ALWAYS: Satellite, Naive Melody and  Beast of Burden, so here are my favorites....

1. Satellite- Dave Matthews Band
2. Beast of Burden- The Rolling Stones
3. Naive Melody (This Must Be The Place)- The Talking Heads
4. Kashmir- Led Zepplin
5. Layla-Eric Clapton

1. Almost Famous
2. Chevy Chase movies
3. The GodFather
4. Forest Gump
5. Love Story

1. The Count of Monte Cristo
2. Great Expectations
3. Helmet for my Pillow
4. 1984
5. The Great Gatsby

1. Anything that involves sports except golf
2. Lay on my floor, listen to records
3. Dance to my favorite music
4. Travel
5. Anything with my friends or family!

1. Whales!!!!
2. Heights
3. I won't find what I'm searching for in life
4. Snakes
5. Going against destiny

1. Sucsessful in my career
2. Travel out of the country
3. Be happy with my choices
4. Be at Peace
5. Own a home, own an amazing car/SUV

On a different topic completely

what is UP with the WHOLE male population? SERIOUSLY.
The EXACT moment I am going out of town or I make plans guys immediately call and want to hang out! This whole entire week I have not heard from ONE guy!!! Last night I get asked out by 3 different guys to do something tonight or Saturday night.

Last weekend I had to refuse offers as well because my amazing mother came to see me. Now partly this IS my fault. During the week I usually am waking up early to attend classes, then work out, eat dinner, finish up homework and get ready for the next day. I rarely do anything that requires me wearing make up during the week. I let people know how busy I am.

I mean the boys could at LEAST send a message if they aren't going to have the balls to call me and just say, "Hey, how are classes?" "Hey, just thought I would see how your week is going?"

I guess I did use the word "BOYS".......I guess that would explain why I'm ranting, I would like a MAN, please!

While I'm on my soap dish, I am beginning to get annoyed by text messages! I thought in the beginning text messages were sent in emergencies, like if your at work and you can't take a call but just need to know something specific and days I'm typing out 3 page conversations about my childhood memories and my favorite Chinese restaurants. ANNOYING!!!!!!

I will always love this video!! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!! And everyone can you believe 5 years ago Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana and Mississippi. Now, they are dealing with the effects of the oil spill. Check out some of the documentaries if you get a chance this weekend! Love ya'll!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For



Let me start by saying I'm truly blessed with my life right now. I have a healthy family (as far as I know), I have caring/ supportive parents, amazing friends, a nice apartment, transportation to point A and B, I'm on the down slope as far as school goes and no major Crisis has happened to me least since moving. My life from every aspect looks good and don't get wrong, I'm thankful but what makes life GOOD to GREAT, like breathtaking moments of life. I keep looking for something I can't live without. I keep shopping for some item I can't stand NOT to have. I still haven't found what I'm looking for in life and I keep waiting and I have even been pro-active in the situation but I am still searching.

I found the song to be appropriate.........  But I keep wondering to myself, am I ever going to be satisfied and at peace with myself. I keep thinking there has got to be a bigger picture to my life, there just has to be. Right? When do these chains that keep holding me back finally break? From day to day I feel trapped, I feel like my life has already been planned out for me, I feel like everyday I'm held by the hands that control me under water and I'm just struggling and fighting with every once to come up for air. When does my life begin? I dread the day I have a 9 to 5 and life becomes so......imitated, so conventional, so like everyone else I know. Did anyone else not have parents that told them there is more to life that just getting married and have kids? Doesn't anyone have an aching, an appetite, a voice in themselves to reach out and just grab onto the next shooting star, to break the rules, to just go completely nuts one day.

On a different note, you like the Queen video? What a genius that Freddie Mercury was. He was interesting, slightly off, and looked good in women s clothing. I will always love Queen, two of my favorite songs is not the obvious, Bohemian Rhapsody or We are the Champions but Under Pressure ( David Bowie collaborated on the song as well) and Somebody to Love!!! 

I just love Mercury's voice, his stage presence, his passion.

Monday, August 23, 2010

You May Ask Yourself, WELL, How Did I Get Here?

Well, I know how I got here to my new apartment! I do know it has taken a LOT of effort and a lot of money to re-decorate and I'm still not through, but here are some pics so far!

This is my room! When you first enter my room, you see my bed. The right of my room has a table (a writing desk transformed) with my NEW record player and baskets underneath for storing my vinyls and etc., above the table is a Van Gogh print.  Also on the same side of the room is my organized closet.  Then on the left side of my room are the rest of the Van Gogh prints and directly across from my bed is my television that sits on my bureau.

Here are some pictures of the spare bedroom that hopefully will be transformed into an ACTUAL bedroom before everyone gets here for football season! In the meantime it is a 'Please pardon our big giant mess room!!'

Here is Bro's room

And here is the living room!

And last but not least my bathroom, this one has a closet ladies and gentlemen!!

I will post pictures of the other closets, dining room and kitchen later when I have time!
What do ya'll think? I can't wait to have the other bedroom complete........Mainly I can't wait to get a bed in there!!

Next, we all know football season is just around the corner  and it's time to wear cute new clothes!! I have been SLACKING on posting what I have bought lately, some of the clothes I may not get around to wearing this season, but it will be fabulous for next year!! I got everything big time on sale or I got extremely good prices!! I also decided to take pictures from now on of all my clothes that I have purchased because it seems I have misplaced some dresses or they have grown legs and walked off. I'm not going into specifics other than I may need to put a lock on my closet and only I know the code to unlock it.

yep, My Mom is the best! and dear ol' dad has bought my EXPENSIVE books for the Fall and is about to help me pay to get some dresses altered! Can you believe I have a BCBG dress with the tags still on it in my closet for almost 2 years because it needs to be altered before I wear it? It is going to make a GREAT game day dress!! If I get one dress taken in before the first game,then I have my first 2 game day dresses planned!! The first one I want to wear might be hard to get altered, keep your fingers crossed that I can!!

So I bet your wondering how that date went with the musician aren't you? well, the scheduled date didn't happen.......he canceled on me. He did however give me a good excuse and made it up to me the very next day by taking me out to lunch. Our lunch lasted for almost 3 hours, we talked the ENTIRE time! We then have been out to the movies, and 'Wine Time' at my place, where we talked the entire time on my balcony.

My Mom came up for a bit this past weekend and helped me purchase most of what you see in the pictures, along with groceries!

I also got an e-mail about Habitat for Humanity and my form has been accepted and I'm on track to pin-pointing a few days to volunteer. I'm kind of nervous because I am the last person you want around nails, saws, and other pointy and sharp, heavy objects. 

Life is GOOD!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time"

     The Law of Constant Change states that everything in our life is in constant change, constantly in the process of becoming something else. Nothing stays exactly as it is. Nothing. Movement and change constitute the reality of our being.
     I am changing, my taste in life is changing. I have always questioned and challenged most of what I have been told. I love to read lyrics and set my own ideas about what the song really means, I love to look at a painting and wonder what the artist was thinking while painting, I love people with passion. I have discovered the people with the most passion are the craziest, disorderly, and interesting in this world. These people are the painters, the writers, the musicians, the architects, the designers, and etc. These intriguing people are not the ones who fit in with the rest of society........because they are too busy creating it. These people see color, not just black and white. These people don't care if what they think is the popular choice, they just know it's the right one. I hope if I don't fit into this category already, one day I just might!

Here are some paintings I'm obsessed with at the moment! This one is Claude Monet

The next are Van Gogh paintings, I just ordered Starry Night Over the Rhone. I already have the other 2

and last but not least here is Gustav Klimt, Tree of Life. 
 Yes, I just ordered this one as well! And I have 3 records coming my way as well. Talking Heads, Little Creatures, Elton John Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, and Simon and Garfunkel Greatest hits. THANK YOU MOM, you're the best!!!!

Takin it Easy

                                                                                The Eagles

     I have always been a fan of "The Eagles" My parents have always been fans, I can remember riding in the car as a kid with my Mom as she would groove to the sounds.
    There was a time between Ole Miss and Alabama where I was talking to a boy that I went to High School with and played tennis with. He got a tennis scholarship to Austin Peay in Tennessee, I actually rode with his mother once to see him play and drove up there a couple of times to spend the weekend with him. My love for the Eagles grew a lot during this time because he was a huge fan of them and of Bob Marley. Our song was "Taking it easy." I literally know every word to that song and can sing it without any help. When I babysit my bosses daughter, I always sing this song to her when she cries and after a few lines, she calms down. I literally cannot hear this song and not think of him and the awesome times we shared. I laughed so much around this particular boy and we had so much in common. In the end,  it didn't really work out between us because he soon got a job being a tennis pro at a country club in Miami and I have a.......lets say a STRONG personality! We still randomly talk to each other, we always call each other when something in life reminds us of the other person or just a silly moment we remembered about each other. He has been a great friend over the years and I will always thank him for really finding my passion for The Eagles.

I also had a time when I first got to Alabama and a boy that I met and dated for quite a while was really into The Eagles and he would play "Peaceful, Easy, Feeling" to me. We shared a really rocky relationship but it was educational. I have said in the past that I can hear certain songs and memories flash before me, this is no different but In this particular case I'm happy to say those memories are still there but not the feelings I once felt when I heard this song.

I now am thinking back to all my favorite artists and realizing it was mainly guys that introduced me to them and guys I rarely talk to anymore. In a way, the quote is true, "Some people enter our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."

The Eagles have won many awards, world renown, and an overall epic sensation, needless to say I don't care what awards they have received, I do care about the way I feel when I hear one of their songs. This is one of my personal favorites!

I also love this one, When I was a PI PHI, I helped design a t-shirt for a fraternity swap, the theme was Angels and Devils. PI PHI is associated with Angels so clearly we dressed up as angels and the boys were devils. The t-shirt had lyrics from The Eagle's song "One of these nights."

I've been searching for the daughter
Of the devil himself
I've been searching for an angel in white
I've been waiting for a woman who's a little
Of both
And I can feel her but she's nowhere
In sight

I have so much history with this band, it's astounding!

On another note, I'm sooooo happy with life right now! I am so blessed for the friends I have and the people I am meeting and spending time with right now. I have had the best time over the past couple of weeks!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Man, A Legend, The Immortal

Where do I even begin to describe this man's talent? Eric Clapton has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame THREE times, his style is blues with rock and every other kind of genre that makes music not just good but jaw dropping incredible. This man is nothing less than a legend in all of the books! I love him for his creativity and humble approach to who he is. Clapton doesn't have to brag because he lets his playing do all the talking.

Clapton has been apart of The Yard birds, Cream, and has played solo. There are only a few solo artists that I can say don't need a band because their talent over shadows the rest

Here is the ULTIMATE song Layla

If you don't just love Layla, you need to seriously need to get yourself checked out, its beautifully written and performed. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, just don't express your dislikes for the man in front of me! He has gone through many, many relationships and lost a child, he found out later in life that his older sister was actually his mother and whom he thought were his parents were actually his grandparents.......Needless to say this man has a LOT to write about.

Here is another of my favorites Sunshine of your Love

This particular song was written the same night Clapton attended a Jimi Hendrix concert. Yep, it's fascinating how much music knowledge I know.

I have decided in life there should always be background music, somehow God needs to create that, everyone would walk around and you wouldn't even have to ask how their day is, you could just tell by the music that is AWESOME would that be?

Anyway hope everyone is having a fabulous day, I certainly am now after my nap, I was up past my bedtime last night.....I have a good excuse though! I bet your wondering how the date went......I will tell you in time my lovelies! I'm still working on the apartment but I absolutely cannot wait to post some pictures soon!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What's been going on!

Okay, Okay for the past two weeks I have been a little M.I.A! I really had forgotten how emotionally, physically, and  mentally tiring moving is! For the most part the new place is complete I just have to put up curtains, some wall decor, and etc. So now on to my daily thoughts and what is going on with me!


I can't believe football season starts in about 25 days! How crazy is that? I love football season but living in a college town and going to a school that just won a BCS this past year is a little ridiculous! I love football season for many reasons, dressing up for the games, hosting wonderful friends for a weekend that live in other places, Shakers,Tailgating, bonding with old friends and making new ones! I sometimes stress myself out over the whole thing as well! I usually start on Wednesday before a home game cleaning my apartment, washing sheets, figuring out what I need from the store to prepare snacks and make sure my guests have everything they need! I'm such a "Mom Hostess" when it comes to that kind of stuff, I actually get some high by running around like a mad woman! Every week I stress out about what to wear out the Friday night before a home game and what dress to wear for game day (it's pretty important here in the south to look your best) because I never know who I am going to see from the past, and dang it, I have to look good!
Which brings me to dieting! I believe I work harder to stay in shape the months of August through December because I hate running into someone I don't see very often or someone I haven't seen in years and look bad! So as of last week I have been on a lower carb diet, and trying to work in working out despite the move and total chaos that has been going on! I know this sounds crazy but I'm looking forward to classes starting again so I can get on a routine about the situation........Hello Again, Mr. Personal Trainer!
Football season also calls for a larger budget, I have to think about outfits to go out in, tanning beds and lotions to look good in those gorgeous sundresses, more money for gas to run errands, and more money for food and drinks for my guests and myself ; ) more money for entertainment for after the games, hence Yellow hammers and Michelob Ultra  but every Sunday when everyone is leaving and I'm cleaning up, I think back to the laughter, the cheering, the memories and it all seems worth it!

Looks like fun, huh?

On another note, just got the Eagles and some Rolling stones on Vinyl in the past week! YAY! Now if I could only luck up on some dresses, we would be good! I'm only freaking out because while I was moving I gave away so many of my clothes and shoes! I don't know why I'm stressing out so bad about's not like I wore the dresses I gave away, I guess it's because my closet seems empty! and even more depressing I went through my fall and winter collection and it seems baron.......I hope I can recover from my loss!

I also have gotten really into Mad Men this season, I absolutely love it!

And guess who is going on a date tomorrow night? oh, this pretty cookie, that's who!! were going to this place called Chuck's (amazing sushi) and then to a movie.  I hope it goes well, we seem to have a lot in common, especially music, but he isn't the biggest fan of baseball.......I mean no one is perfect! ; ) ..........what to wear? what to wear?

I also have one of my very bestest friends "Sum" up for a week, oh it's like undergrad all over again! we laugh, we talk about serious stuff over bottles of wine, we play on facebook, we chat about boys and clothes and we have the best time!

I also have a new project! my big brother/big sister program fell through! my 2 girls moved to Florida! I was kind of sad about it, but I think it was what was best for them......anyway I talked with the program director and they are going to pair me with someone soon. In the mean time I have wanted to do something with this charity for a while and I think it was fate when I turned on the t.v. and this was on within the first seconds.......
As we know, I look up to Jimmy Carter, he is such a great humanitarian and I don't care what a majority of people say, he really was a great president in an awful time in our society. Anyway, Jimmy Carter is coming to Birmingham October 4 for National Service Day and will dedicate a few of the houses that are being built for the organization! How Cool? So I look at it as a blessing and i just finished up my registration form and sent it in, I will keep you updated on how things progress!