I can't believe football season starts in about 25 days! How crazy is that? I love football season but living in a college town and going to a school that just won a BCS this past year is a little ridiculous! I love football season for many reasons, dressing up for the games, hosting wonderful friends for a weekend that live in other places, Shakers,Tailgating, bonding with old friends and making new ones! I sometimes stress myself out over the whole thing as well! I usually start on Wednesday before a home game cleaning my apartment, washing sheets, figuring out what I need from the store to prepare snacks and make sure my guests have everything they need! I'm such a "Mom Hostess" when it comes to that kind of stuff, I actually get some high by running around like a mad woman! Every week I stress out about what to wear out the Friday night before a home game and what dress to wear for game day (it's pretty important here in the south to look your best) because I never know who I am going to see from the past, and dang it, I have to look good!
Which brings me to dieting! I believe I work harder to stay in shape the months of August through December because I hate running into someone I don't see very often or someone I haven't seen in years and look bad! So as of last week I have been on a lower carb diet, and trying to work in working out despite the move and total chaos that has been going on! I know this sounds crazy but I'm looking forward to classes starting again so I can get on a routine about the situation........Hello Again, Mr. Personal Trainer!
Football season also calls for a larger budget, I have to think about outfits to go out in, tanning beds and lotions to look good in those gorgeous sundresses, more money for gas to run errands, and more money for food and drinks for my guests and myself ; ) more money for entertainment for after the games, hence Yellow hammers and Michelob Ultra but every Sunday when everyone is leaving and I'm cleaning up, I think back to the laughter, the cheering, the memories and it all seems worth it!
Looks like fun, huh?
On another note, just got the Eagles and some Rolling stones on Vinyl in the past week! YAY! Now if I could only luck up on some dresses, we would be good! I'm only freaking out because while I was moving I gave away so many of my clothes and shoes! I don't know why I'm stressing out so bad about's not like I wore the dresses I gave away, I guess it's because my closet seems empty! and even more depressing I went through my fall and winter collection and it seems baron.......I hope I can recover from my loss!

And guess who is going on a date tomorrow night? oh, this pretty cookie, that's who!! were going to this place called Chuck's (amazing sushi) and then to a movie. I hope it goes well, we seem to have a lot in common, especially music, but he isn't the biggest fan of baseball.......I mean no one is perfect! ; ) ..........what to wear? what to wear?
I also have one of my very bestest friends "Sum" up for a week, oh it's like undergrad all over again! we laugh, we talk about serious stuff over bottles of wine, we play on facebook, we chat about boys and clothes and we have the best time!
I also have a new project! my big brother/big sister program fell through! my 2 girls moved to Florida! I was kind of sad about it, but I think it was what was best for them......anyway I talked with the program director and they are going to pair me with someone soon. In the mean time I have wanted to do something with this charity for a while and I think it was fate when I turned on the t.v. and this was on within the first seconds.......
As we know, I look up to Jimmy Carter, he is such a great humanitarian and I don't care what a majority of people say, he really was a great president in an awful time in our society. Anyway, Jimmy Carter is coming to Birmingham October 4 for National Service Day and will dedicate a few of the houses that are being built for the organization! How Cool? So I look at it as a blessing and i just finished up my registration form and sent it in, I will keep you updated on how things progress!
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