I have been holding this entry for a couple of days because It's been hard to write. I first cannot stress how furious I am at 'Big Oil Companies.' It's disgusting to see their selfishness and greediness. It's also disgusting to see how Americans just don't care about what is happening or maybe more disgusting they don't completely understand nor comprehend what this does to our environment. These are just a few pictures I got the last day at the beach.
The pictures above are not good at all, these are probably the first pictures taken of the oil hitting the beach of Gulf Shores. The top picture is broken up oil about to hit shore and the above picture is a mass of brown like oil about to wash to shore. It's funny how that morning and all that day the beach and weather was AMAZING!
The next picture are coast guards or BP supervisors "ASSESSING" the situation, when I say assessing, they were actually asking beach goers to take their pictures with the oil washing up to shore in the background..........and the group of "Supervisors" were smiling.........I have a lot of words I would insert here, but I'm choosing not to!
The next picture would be the double red flags flying in the air letting everyone know the ocean is not safe for swimming and is closed!
The next picture is a bulldozer of tar and oil filled garbage bags from the beach.
I still cannot believe this happened, This area had to overcome Katrina just a few years ago and now they are facing an oil spill. What else can happen? This country is not slipping anymore it now has a million pound weight tied to it's feet and was just thrown overboard! Between the economy, the war, environmental downfalls and the way of the 'American Society' we need a big slap in the face! I would like to point out these problems just didn't start with a new president either! I would like to point out these kind of happenings usually happen when a lot of wealthy people just get wealthier and the poor just get poorer and the middle class just slides down hill too........I will let you all come up with your own assumptions to what I am referring to.
On a different note that doesn't make me want to move to Australia, I would like to add I have had the busiest day!! I live in an apartment complex and I ran this (late) morning in some neighborhoods close by. I also met with my "little sisters" and we had lunch, then I went to work where I babysat my bosses little baby! I have been sitting for her until about 30 min. ago because my boss and her husband wanted a "date night." Since I don't have a social life, (hahaha) I didn't mind!
Fave Baby Things so far...
9 years ago
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