Saturday, May 8, 2010

A tribute to my Mommy!!

     I have been such a BAD BLOGGER!! SORRY!! I promise since the semester has ended and finals are over I might return to a least a '2 post a week- kind of Gal.' My finals went well, I'm pretty sure I passed all classes and I am free........for a little bit anyway! Not too much has happened lately. My daily routine is getting up certain days of the week really early to work out before classes and work and the other days I have to wait until classes and work are over.  I haven't really worked all that much the past couple of months because my boss has a newborn, therefor I have no work to do.  My boss, who I have gotten to really know lately has trusted me enough to watch her precious little baby girl while she goes to court or attends a meeting at the office. 
    I have never really been around babies that are less than 6 months old, and I have never been alone with a baby that is less than 10 months old and I can tell a huge difference. It's amazing to see what you learn the first couple of months you enter this world.  It's also amazing to see that babies are just soooo needy!! I just thought that the first year or so all the baby did was eat, dirty up diapers and sleep. I thought they only cry when they are hungry, something is scary, or they want to be held.  I just learned that babies cry when they are fighting to sleep!!! can you believe that??? When I get sleepy and I can sleep, you better believe I won't fight it!!! I also have MAJOR back problems and so after this sweet baby girl is through eating she has to be held up and burped a lot and my back just locks up so when I'm ready to sit down and she is laying on my shoulder I can barely bend my back enough just to sit down! and even though I'm in pain, it has to be done...........I think about this and I'm only with her just a couple of hours a week, I can't imagine going through this pain all day everyday for like 2 or 3 years!! Hello, first lesson of parenthood!! your needs don't matter when you have a child, theirs has to come first! so this is my tribute to my mommy!
    I think I have the best Mommy in the world and here are just a few reasons why.....
    My Mommy has always made sure I never go without something I need.  If I am sick, she is the first one to wait on me hand and foot! I can remember all the way back to elementary school her taking my temperature,  going into the doctors office with me, her dropping everything as soon as she would walk through the door if she had to go to class (my mom went back to college to get an education degree while I was in elementary school) with her "worried face" on and asking if she can do anything to make me feel better and after I would fall asleep she would do whatever class work she needed to do on top of daily chores and cooking. When I got to college especially here in Tuscaloosa, if I am pretty sick she will drive here and take me to the doctor and fill my prescriptions, clean my apartment, (mainly disinfecting everything) and just sit with me. I know it's a little childish of me, but when I'm sick (even at 26 years young) I only want my mom! I don't know why, but the way she makes Hot chocolate or run's to Jason's deli for me broccoli and cheese soup is so much better than anyone else doing the same thing.

    My Mommy has always made sure her children are educated. I have learned from her that there is a lot in this world you can lose and things people can take away and the two things no one can take away is your education and your personality. I think around third grade my Mom started realizing for the first time I may have a slight learning problem, so my mom would work extra hard with me EVERY night. I can remember going over the next days math lesson the night before it was taught in class.  I was always a terrible math and science student. I kind of always knew I had a problem with numbers but it wasn't so terrible that Mom would put me in special classes. Mom thought if she did, then I would never be challenged enough to learn.  It wasn't until college and when I transferred from ole miss to here that I was tested for learning problems.  After sitting down for ten minutes at a Sylvan learning place I was diagnosed with Dyslexia of Numbers...........and a pretty severe case at that.  It's almost 1 in 10,000 suffer from this. Most people that are dyslexic are dyslexic in letters and numbers. Anyway, It would have been so easy for mom just to put me in a special class and not stay up drilling my homework in my head every night on top of her own school work and later when I got to middle school and high school she would have to make out lesson plans, grade papers, teach me subjects, cook, iron, clean, pack lunches, and take care of her family.

     Another reason why Mom is the best......she has always wanted better for me than herself.  My mom grew up in a lower income family with a lot of brothers and sisters.  She didn't go with out food or a roof over her head but I think at times they were lucky to rub two dimes together.  My mother is one of these that will spend her hard earned money on better labels and better clothes for her kids but won't spend hardly any money on herself. My mom would drop lots and lots of dollars on me just on tennis outfits, the clothes you are suppose to get dirty and sweat in, but she would not dream of spending fifty dollars on a top that she would wear to teach in or something she might wear 50 times over.  My mom always looks nice, and is classic. I find this funny because all of my friends and just people I pass everyday always comment on my style, and nine times out of ten, it's something my mom has approved.  When My mom and I go shopping she will just tell me flat out, if it looks good or doesn't, if I have a bulge or something is just not figure flattering or she just thinks it's ugly. One thing my mom will not do is lie, nor sugar coat and I love her for that!

   I can't tell you all the little reasons why I love her because a lot of it is just indescribable but I know for a fact I wouldn't be the person I am today without her! I actually cringe and regret every time when I was little/ younger and she wouldn't let me spend the night at someone's house or be dropped off at a football game unchaperoned  or not let me ride long distances with an older boy and I would slam doors and say not so nice words to her. It's hard to understand and see harmful situations when you are 12 to 18 years old but I finally see when you bring a child into this world and have stayed up with them and nurtured them when they are babies and seen their first steps and attended their first ballet recital and have been there to see doctors poke needles into the one thing you love most and wipe away the tears after they had a scary car accident and you yourself moved to tears when they achieve something great like win they win their first tennis trophy or they graduate college. I now thank her for not letting me do those potentially dangerous things and teaching me right from wrong and letting me know I am unconditionally loved everyday! Mom, I love you!!

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